lifegenmon teamOn Friday 9th October at the Amphitheater A of the Faculty of Agriculture, Forestry and Natural Environment Aristotle University of Thessaloniki the 1st TEACHING WORKSHOP on Genetic Monitoring of European Foreststook place.

Prof. C.Vlahos, the Head of the Faculty of Agriculture, Forestry and Natural Environment of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in Greece opened the Teaching workshop and thanked Prof. F. Aravanopoulos for his contribution to the University as well as the students for attending this workshop.

Prof. Filippos A. Aravanopoulos oresnts the theory of genetic monitoring

Prof. Filippos A. Aravanopoulos presents the theory of Genetic Monitoring


Prof.F. Aravanopoulos welcomed everyone to the Teaching Workshop and introduced the program to the students and the rest of the participants.

Dr. Nikitas Fragkiskakis the General Secretary of the Macedonia-Thrace region opens the Teaching Workshop

Dr. Nikitas Fragkiskakis the General Secretary of the Macedonia-Thrace region opens the Teaching Workshop

Dr. N. Fragiskakis, The General Director of the Decentralized Administration of Central Macedonia & Thrace, in the presence of Dr. A. Ainalis the Director of the  Directorate of Coordination and Supervision of Forests, welcomed the students to the first teaching workshop and referred to the expected results of the program and their role in the development of a forestry policy for Greece and for the whole of Europe.

And that was the start of a most educational and informative teaching workshop.

We hope that many more will follow !


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