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ASP opens the info board dedicated to the Bavarian FGM plot for Abies alba (Silver fir) close to Anger

Monday, 6th July 2015. Before the opening of the info board Dr. Monika Konnert, head of ASP, gave an introduction to the project and briefly explained the goals of the project activities until 2020. Then Dr. Barbara Fussi explained more in detail about the scientific part of the project and Dr. Roland Baier gave a short insight into selected FGM plot specifics. During this event we had guests from Bavarian State Forests, local stakeholders, forest owners, representatives from environment protection organizations etc.

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Visit from Baden-Württemberg/ForstBW State Forests

A few days later on 8th of July 2015 we had another visit of colleagues from Baden-Württemberg/ForstBW State Forests. During the visit of the FGM plot in Anger, Dr. Monika Konnert introduced the project and described the aims. Then we had a lively discussion about the future of this genetic monitoring activities and their implementation in other monitoring schemes.

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